Towards a sustainable world, together
The time has come to turn visions into facts and figures

The best way to design for sustainability is by starting the process with the end in mind
An exhibition booth is only in use for a few days, which could lead to large amounts of single-use items. To limit this, we adhere to the principles of “Reduce-Reuse-Recycle”:
After taking these precautionary measures to reduce the CO2 footprint of the booth, the remaining amount of carbon dioxide equivalent in tonnes is calculated.
Carbon calculator
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In April 2022, Buckdesign purchased 316 Verified Carbon Units within the Verra “Verified Carbon Standard” Program.

“A Verified Carbon Unit is the equivalent of one tonne of carbon dioxide. It takes 15 to 83 trees (depending on the age, location of type of tree) to capture a tonne of CO2 in a year’s time.”

Our credits have been retired for use at the Pacajai REDD+ project; This project focuses on preventing deforestation in the Brazilian rainforest, allowing trees to keep growing and sequestering CO2. The Pacajai project owns and protects almost 150,000 ha – an area almost the size of London – of High Conservation Value rainforest in the Portel municipality in the region of Pará, Brazil. The Pacajai Project is going to achieve 3 main goals, such as fighting climate change, supporting economic development, and protecting the rights of local communities. Project partners work in trusted partnerships with over 6,200 Ribeirinhos river people that live and work within the project area. When we have completed the calculation for a project, we subtract the necessary credits from the total amount of Verified Carbon Units in our stock.
Through our compensation program, we strive to make better decisions with every project and to influence those around us to do the same. However; new facts about climate change and climate action emerge every day. It is important to be critical, but it is important to be positive as well.
Are you interested to find out more or do you have something to inspire us further?

Together to a sustainable future